
featured in

  • Brooklyn Candle Studio

    “We collaborated on this collection with California-based artist, Allison Kunath, known for her minimalist aesthetic, ethereal geometric watercolors, graceful figurative abstractions, and awe-inspiring murals. Kunath drew each figure with one single unbroken line capturing the essence of feminine grace, strength, and beauty."

  • Erik Lindstrom Rugs

    “Examining the way she relates to herself, her community, and her environment, she makes works that are meditative responses to those connections. The balance of form, line and variety of styles have been applied to the medium of rugs with ease, evoking deconstructed and nuanced patterns in wool and silk.”

  • Carver Skate

    “Featuring the artwork of Allison Kunath, grab the Supernova and shred your way to a new frontier. From her Cycles Series of watercolors, the Supernova evokes both spiraling rays of sun and the markings of sundial.”